Saturday, July 11, 2009

Shameless Promotion...

vote     This blog is a laboratory for exploring ways to use the B.I.D.E. Interpretive System...
     I admit, I crave Your comments about any experimenting you do with the System...
     I know most folks rarely leave a comment...
     So, shamelessly, I ask you to visit a new site, AstroLuxx, the Cosmic Astrology Cafe, click on the Upcoming Tab at the top, look for posts by amzolt (that's me), notice the white star in the purple box, and click on it for posts you've read and liked!
     While you're there, consider contributing to the content. The site is new and has great promise for spreading news and articles of interest to astrophiles--like You!!


Lauren said...

Thank you for shamelessly promoting your fine blog and directing your readers to further investigate your posts and others at

I find it an act of generosity!

Alexander M Zoltai said...

Well, Lauren, then how about:

Generously Shameless Promotion?

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