Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Survey, so far...

We have some results from the survey about what You want to see on this blog.

Not a lot of responses but I respect the opinions of those who take the time to register their thoughts...


The category Famous Birth Charts shows 60% want "a little bit" and 40% want it as "a regular feature".

General Astrology Techniques shows 50% want it "almost always", 33.3% "more often than not", and 16.7% "a regular feature".

Transits shows a 33.3% tie for "almost always" and "a regular feature", and also a tie of 16.7% for "more often than not" and "a little bit".

Progressions came in with exactly the same results as Transits...

And, Special B.I.D.E. Techniques showed a 3-way tie of 33.3% for "almost always", "more often than not", and "a regular feature".

I'm not going to make any "policy decisions" until more folks have expressed their desires...


I've created a link to the survey post in the upper right panel and, to make it a touch easier, put the survey link right here, too...
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