Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why is The B.I.D.E. Interpretive System Valuable?

whySome folks don't see the value of the B.I.D.E. Interpretive System.

I tend to think they may be the people who haven't taken the effort to actually use it with their own chart.

It's one thing to have someone say, "You should drink this, it's very refreshing". It's quite another to take a drink and discover the refreshment...

There's a lot of information on the Information Site (red link in the right panel) that shows how to use the System and this blog will continue to have posts that apply the System to well-known people's charts (and, hopefully, display your interpretation of your own chart. [you can email them to me at so I can consider them as possible posts]).

Right now, I'd like to give you a rather stark example of the difference between the B.I.D.E. System and a certain other style of interpretation that one might call the "Limited Options" system.

Let's look at particular aspect and compare interpretive philosophies {in this example, we'll only use the Planet and Aspect meanings from the B.I.D.E. System}:

Saturn square Mars

First, some excerpts from the first four links provided by Google when the phrase, "mars square saturn" was used:

"With Mars square Saturn, you alternate between periods of aggression and periods of recession and apathy. You are constantly at war with yourself because you cannot resolve this problem..."

"You are a perfectionist. You can pick at yourself and others unmercifully, trying to get circumstances in your life to match some unspecified standard."

"You can be austere, callous and harsh and usually won't go out of your way to help others unless you gain by it."

"...repressed anger, and when the person releases the anger, it can turn into violence."

Admittedly, these are only four opinions but, if you were to look further, you'd be hard-put to find a positive interpretation...

Now, let's use the B.I.D.E. System to see what's possible with Saturn square Mars (there are Many alternative interpretations in the System for any given chart factor so I'm only choosing a few as examples).

The first consideration is that there are two square aspects, the waxing and the waning. I'll give a few examples of both. Also, aspects should be considered from the slower function (Saturn) to the faster function (Mars).

First the waxing square:

Provides for a Break with Past Compulsions by

Impels Decisive Future-Oriented Action by

Creates the Conditions for Stability through the Efforts of

Induces Courage to Face Crises by
Being Driven

Now, the same phrase choices from the System with the waning square between them:

Increases Dedication to Social Transformation by

Shifts the Attitudes of the Group by

Reorients Inadequate Responses Toward Social Viability by

Uproots Unnecessary Attitudes and Values by
Being Driven

Can you see how the B.I.D.E. System gives a person the opportunity to interpret a chart from an affirmative, positive perspective?

Can you see the limitations of a system that "pre-defines" what the behavior of the person will be?

Can you see the value of using an interpretive system that puts the final choice of what's possible in the mind of the person using the system?

Does the system you use to interpret charts give you the freedom to decide what you'll do and how you'll do it?

Hope to receive some Comments.........
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