Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Big Bag of Tools

toolsThis post is dedicated to showing you all the tools available to help you use the B.I.D.E. Interpretive System. You can access all these tools with the red link in the right panel that says, Information Site.

The most important tools are the Planet/Sign/House phrases and the Full-Cycle Aspect phrases. With these two tools you have all you need to generate a fully customized, individualized, positive, affirmative interpretation of a chart.

There are also articles to help you use those two interpretive guides:

The Detailed Guide to Using the Planet/Sign/House Phrases


The Example of Using the Aspect Phrases.

There are also guides on How to Create a Chart and How to Calculate Aspects.

There's also an article on Why the B.I.D.E. System is Valuable and Why Astrology Doesn't Predict Events.

One final tool available is a Very Special Offer to enable you to have free astrology software and the files needed to Easily use Full-Cycle Aspects.

Enjoy !!!
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