Still staying rather basic for awhile on the blog; but, I feel I have to step up the level just a bit today...
Most anyone who's looked beyond Sun Signs knows that a Planet in a Sign and in a certain House (and, that Houses need an accurate birth time), those Planet/Sign/House combinations can be considered "sentences" in a chart.
If you're brand new you may want to review a couple pages on our Information Site (red link in the right panel): Creating A Chart, if you don't have one yet; B.I.D.E. Interpretive System ~ Planets/Signs/Houses; and, for the last part of this post, Example of Using the Aspect Phrases.
Of course, I'll try to write the rest of the post so you can just keep reading and go back to those links later ;-)
I'll interpret my Sun in Aries in the 9th House using the B.I.D.E. System (Here's my chart); but, realize, I'm doing this right now for how I feel about myself right now. There are 64 different interpretations available for every Planet/Sign/House combo in the Basic B.I.D.E. System. The links above will give you all you need to do what I'll do next: choose a phrase for the Sun, then for Aries, then for the 9th House; then, put them in the right order:
Sun in Aries in the 9th House
Vitalizing Personal Initiative in order to Bring the Situation to its Highest Expression.
Of course, that Symbolic Sentence means a lot to me because I'm working extra hard right now to promote my Nutrition Business while maintaining this blog and my other blog. So that Symbolic Sentence up there is a statement of my "Central Purpose" right now...
There's also the Way I use that Central Purpose—my Moon in Libra in the 3rd House—my current "Style".
Moon in Libra in the 3rd House
Adapting Considerations of Sharing in order to Make Connections.
But, so far, I've only got two Symbolic Sentences. I want to link those Sentences in the right way so they'll tell a short Symbolic Story...
This is where the "Aspect" or distance between the Planets becomes important. There are a total of three pages on Aspects on the Information Site right now with more to come.
For now, take my word for the fact that my Moon is 172.6° from my Sun and that's called a Waxing QuadNovile aspect.
So, I take the Sun Sentence and link it to the Moon Sentence by choosing one of the phrases for the aspect-distance between them:
Sun in Aries in the 9th House
Waxing QuadNovile
Moon in Libra in the 3rd House
Vitalizing Personal Initiative in order to Bring the Situation to its Highest Expression
Induces a Sense of Worthiness of Goals by
Adapting Considerations of Sharing in order to Make Connections.
That's not just a huge sentence, it's a short Symbolic Story about where I'm at right now...
If you had done the same process for your Sun and Moon, you'd have a short Symbolic Story about Your current Central Purpose and the Stylistic Way to make it work.